Membership Application for Fox-Tail's Den

​Welcome to the exciting time of being a member of Fox-Tail Cider's Club! We are very happy you are about to be a part of our Den! Here's a few things to get you started!

Will you be picking up or do you prefer shipment in Oregon?

Fox-Tail Cider, Inc.

​Members will be billed quarterly for their membership dues.
​Once activated you will gain membership status right away.
​Each club tier has their own benefit levels. If in question please ask a server.
​Shipping is allowed in Oregon at this time. We also encourage pick up at the cidery.
​You will receive a digital membership card that can be downloaded to your phone. 

Membership Terms

Membership is for 1 full year. Membership can be canceled anytime afterwards. Membership can not be transferred to other parties. Please update credit cards if being expired in the next year. 

Please note club benefits will not change unless given a month notice to our members. Discounts can not be used for the purchase of our spirits as they are controlled by OLCC pricing rules. 

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